Rabu, 07 November 2012

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Locations of Site Visitors "> words of love quotes Aphorisms Love - Talking about love is not going to no end, because God created human beings with human Loving so this is the perfect beings God created this world. The essence of love is very spacious and has plenty of its own meaning in the word Love, For me there is only one true love is God's Love, Love and Love in human nature, because after all we are not apart of the three but the meaning of love at the moment we are teenagers that difference, that love of the opposite sex either love men and pereokelah we begin reading the word quotes below plazabet Home »quotes Wise love words pearl motivated Share this article: achieve success Words quotes - After the previous article provides collection admin wisdom from world leaders, romantic love words and funny words and gokil, this time posting containing quotes will be closing quotes in this blog category. Here is a collection of quotes said air heart of the most meaningful and special compiled from various sources or from words and personal experience. Hopefully word quotes that are here you can use as a reference life wisely. word quotes Words quotes People who think negatively always sees the difficulty in every opportunity, while successful people are always looking for an opportunity in every difficulty. Be careful with love, because love can also make healthy people sick, fat people become skinny, normal people into insane, the rich become poor, he became a slave, if his love was greeted by false lovers. It is easier to fight than the thousands of people armed themselves against arrogance. What did you do today, is also key to good or ruin your tomorrows. Do the best for today. The hardest thing in life is not to surpass others, but beyond the ego and ourselves.
Be proud of yourself, Although there are not Liked. Sometimes they hate because they can not be like you. Update pearl 2012 words Learn from the mistakes of others. You can not live long enough to do all the error itself Science and religion have always agreed, but science and faith are always quarreling. Do not think of ourselves not able to before trying, learning, and practice. -Thomas A. Edison Failure is not when one falls, but when someone refuses to get up. -Chinese Proverb Anyone who act recklessly in the little things can not be trusted with the big things. -Albert Einstein Do not wait until tomorrow, what you can do today. When you see the grass is greener, maybe they take better care of us. This was written Khidupan CONTENTS LIST PREFACE be grateful parents gave birth to us safely INTRODUCTION OLD prayers for us to worship him KPD, accompanied BASIC GUIDELINES theory al quran as we are, and ANALYSIS lives as we grow Adults, as well as CLOSING dikala PARENTS, all summarized in a defense response in the field CONCLUSION masyhar later. You should expect great things from you before you do it. Success obtained at the expense of integrity is not a success. Friend sjati is he who mMpu mmbenarkan bkan kata2 ... tpi Shabat sjati mmPu said that he was right .... You will never go wrong as long as always stick to the truth. The best chance to start when you get an idea and ideas. Do not be too long mourn what has happened. It's who you might cry when you are thankful for things that will someday. If you leave someone, give them a reason. No one was more painful than the left but there was no explanation. In life, you will not always get what you want most, sometimes you just get more exact lesson you need. "Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of faith is to see what we believe." Grief is like being stranded on a desert island. The best thing is to try to get out of the desert sand. The essence of happiness is the happiness of a collection of small things. Actually, it is easy to be Happy. Happiness will come when we forgive ourselves, forgive others, and to live with gratitude. There was never a selfish and ungrateful able to feel happy, let alone make others happy. Life is giving, not asking. " Update pearl 2012 words Learn from the mistakes of others. You can not live long enough to do all the error itself Science and religion have always agreed, but science and faith are always quarreling. Do not think of ourselves not able to before trying, learning, and practice. -Thomas A. Edison Failure is not when one falls, but when someone refuses to get up. -Chinese Proverb Anyone who act recklessly in the little things can not be trusted with the big things. -Albert Einstein Do not wait until tomorrow, what you can do today. When you see the grass is greener, maybe they take better care of us. This was written Khidupan CONTENTS LIST PREFACE be grateful parents gave birth to us safely INTRODUCTION OLD prayers for us to worship him KPD, accompanied BASIC GUIDELINES theory al quran as we are, and ANALYSIS lives as we grow Adults, as well as CLOSING dikala PARENTS, all summarized in a defense response in the field CONCLUSION masyhar later. You should expect great things from you before you do it. Success obtained at the expense of integrity is not a success. Friend sjati is he who mMpu mmbenarkan bkan kata2 ... tpi Shabat sjati mmPu said that he was right .... You will never go wrong as long as always stick to the truth. The best chance to start when you get an idea and ideas. Do not be too long mourn what has happened. It's who you might cry when you are thankful for things that will someday. If you leave someone, give them a reason. No one was more painful than the left but there was no explanation. In life, you will not always get what you want most, sometimes you just get more exact lesson you need. "Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of faith is to see what we believe." Grief is like being stranded on a desert island. The best thing is to try to get out of the desert sand. The essence of happiness is the happiness of a collection of small things. Actually, it is easy to be Happy. Happiness will come when we forgive ourselves, forgive others, and to live with gratitude. There was never a selfish and ungrateful able to feel happy, let alone make others happy. Life is giving, not asking. "